This was a very fun project to work on. The Tube Art Group creates identities for companies by bending glass and cutting steel. They wanted an image driven presence that was responsive in functionality.
Primary role
web developer -
Code base
html, css, js -
jane culleton -
More impressions
A collection of images
This Microsoft Cloud landing page was created to redirect users to Cloud related information. The site was partially hosted using Marketo.
Primary role
web developer -
Code base
html5, css3, js -
devon harris -
More impressions
A collection of images
Staples wanted me to create a product selector for a kiosk that would help customers choose different wireless options for their homes by asking them a series of questions and walking them through an interactive process.
Primary role
web developer, some design -
Code base
html, css, js, xml -
Contracting firm
omni retail group -
More impressions
A collection of images
I helped the team over at Shoemaker by creating a simple framework that they could use to build and maintain their site.
Primary role
web developer -
Code base
html, css, js -
jane culleton
Casne Engineering wanted to use a content management system and they ended up deciding on Wordpress. So, I had to learn Wordpress. It was a fun project that I had complete control over and I enjoyed my foray into Wordpress once I got beyond the learning curve.
Primary role
wordpress developer -
Code base
html, css, js, php, wp -
Secondary role
This project was a blast to work on. Microsoft was launcing a number of new versions of Office, Windows and other products. The blimp and snow were animated, the screens had animated messaging and you could sign up to win prizes such as an Xbox.
Primary role
flash developer, some design -
Code base
as3, php, html, xml -
devon harris -
More impressions
A collection of images
I was part of a team that worked on an interactive part of this site to help people self diagnose medical issues and determine treatment plans. It was my first time working with Angular.js
Primary role
developer -
Code base
html, css, js -
Design and coders
This was a company I used to work for and greatly enjoyed it. I was a part of a lot of fun projects that involved creating swag for The Walking Dead, Valve Software and other companies. I don't, however, miss the commute!
Primary role
developer -
Code base
html, css, js, flash -
Additional roles
design, bizdev
The Exeltech Civil Engineering firm asked me to help design and code a new website for them. I enjoyed the process of getting ideas from their team and I always enjoy working on image heavy sites with carousels. There were two versions of the site that were built.
Primary role
web developer -
Code base
html, css, js -
Secondary role
some design -
More impressions
A collection of images
Walmart asked us to create a product selector for floor care items. The selector asks the user questions and helps them to best choose the type and size of vacuum or steamer to purchase. This project leveraged a proprietary CMS.
Primary role
web developer -
Code base
html, css, js, xml -
Contracting company
omni retail group
This is another kiosk based product selector I worked on. It was a Flash piece that uses an animation "attractor" to get people to interact with it. It then helped people determine what sort of navigatinal devices are best suited for their boats.
Primary role
web developer -
Code base
html, css, as3 -
mike tackett -
More impressions
A collection of images
I really enjoyed this projected because I was asked by Microsoft to develop a video player similar to the one created to promote the film Avatar. The main video would play and when the timeline got to "hot spots" the user had the ability to open up a sub video that would go into further detail.
Primary role
web developer -
Code base
html, css, as3, vid -
Secondary role
designer -
More impressions
A collection of images
I designed and created the Woodinville Whiskey site using a template and Big Commerce. Fun project, good client but they didn't pay in whiskey...
Primary role
web developer -
Code base
html, css, php -
Secondary role